Yolanda and Zinzi Cut it Close.

This month, we explore Lesbian Chic and the phenomenon’s effect on dyke fashion, through the recreation of the iconic K.D. Lang Vanity Fair Cover. Many historians claim it is this magazine spread that ‘set off an explosion of lesbian visibility’. Going on to state that a surge of lesbian-style references were found in the 1990s shortly after the openly-lesbian country singer K.D. Lang appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair in August 1993. Hence, we felt it was only right to pay homage to such an impactful editorial.

Putting our own spin on the legendary cover, the stunning and strong Zinzi Caine takes on the role of Cindy Crawford, whilst smart and suave Yolanda Imoke embraces and embodies the K.D. Lang Role. Shot by the incredible Kat Hanratty with fantastic graphics from Darling Baby Jay, Yolanda and Zinzi act up in their own dream-date fantasy. The pair are suited and booted by stylist Beca Montenegro with hair, make-up, and shaving foam application by the wonderful Zoe Lee.


Creative Direction: Katie Gill Harrison @katiegillh

Photography: Kat Hanratty @Kittyhonrot

Graphics, Movement Director and Set Assistant: Darling Baby Jay @darling.baby.jay

Styling: Beca Montenegro @becamontenegram

Styling Assistant: CY AN @cy.an

Makeup: Zoe Lee @zoeleemua

Cast: Zinzi Caine @mynameiszinzi and Yolanda Imoke @yolnda._

Fashion: Dimitar Chochev @dimitar.chochev, Mi Manera Jewellery @mimanera_jewellery, Eytys @eytys, LAG World @lagworld, Igor Dieryck @igordieryck, Shek Leung @_shekleung. Special thanks to Limitee PR @limitee_pr.


Grace Shines Bright.


A Rose is a Rose